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Should I Text My Ex? (15 Reasons Against & Possible Exceptions)

Texting your ex is rarely a good idea. Here are 15 reasons why and my thoughts on dozens of other equally important texting-related concerns.

Max Jancar
11 min readAug 4, 2024


If you suddenly feel the temptation to send that text, stop for a damn second and think about what you’re doing. Really think about it.

Should you actually send that text? Or should you rather just go and eat something instead? Or maybe hurl your phone across the room? Or perhaps take a shot of tequila?

Here’s a hot-take: don’t fucking do it. No, not the tequila. The texting. Whether you want to get back with your ex or simply move on, texting them is rarely a good idea.

The instant you hit send, you’ll be caught up in a whole new web of regrets and anxiety. And your self-worth and esteem will often suffer for it, not to mention your ex’s attraction for you. So, in many ways, shooting that text just isn’t worth it.

But why isn’t it worth it? Are there instances where texting your ex is actually appropriate? What about situations where you absolutely shouldn’t text them? Should you at least send a text when it comes to stuff like birthdays? What about if you just really, really, really miss your ex?



Max Jancar

Author, blogger, and entrepreneur. I write self-help advice for people going through heartbreak. Get my free cheat sheets: